Road of Asia

Road of Asia is a new walking and shopping street that fuses that fuse traditional and cultural experiences from different Asian countries and offers authentic Asian products. A new concept in the Global Village’s 27th season that will bring an authentic and creative experience to visitors as well as introduce new business opportunities. The Road of Asia is derived from the “Silk Road”, the ancient trade route that connects the west and east. Road of Asia will be focusing on Southeast Asia countries’ products and foods, entertainment and lifestyles. The Road of Asia will take place for 189 days from 25th October 2022 until 29th April, 20223 at Global Village, Dubai, the worlds leading multicultural family entertainment destination in UAE.

Why Should you Invest?

Road of Asia is a new concept in Global Village that support new business from Southeast Asia looking to start a business in Dubai. Global Village is an ideal place that welcomes new business, and Road of Asia is a new place to be. A perfect platform for building business and relationships. Global Village is the safest, simplest and best place to invest in UAE. It offers a great business opportunity as it has millions of visitors flock from around the world. If you’re interested in exhibiting, Join now and be part of the Road of Asia success!


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